Recent advances in polyhydroxyalkanoate production: Feedstocks, strains and process developments

Date of publication 22 June 2020

Authors Li, Mengxing; Wilkins, Mark R.

Sources International journal of biological macromolecules : 156, 691–703 (2020).



Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) have been actively studied in academia and industry for their properties comparable to petroleum-derived plastics and high biocompatibility. However, the major limitation for commercialization is their high cost. Feedstock costs, especially carbon costs, account for the majority of the final cost. Finding cheap feedstocks for PHA production and associated process development are critical for a cost-effective PHA production. In this study, waste materials from different sources, particularly lignocellulosic biomass, were proposed as suitable feedstocks for PHA production. Strains involved in the conversion of these feedstocks into PHA were reviewed. Newly isolated strains were emphasized. Related process development, including the factors that affect PHA production, fermentation modes and downstream processing, was elaborated upon.

TSC Opinion

Les PHA sont des polymères qui se dégradent facilement dans la nature, y compris dans l’eau de mer. Ils sont aussi biosourcés car produits par fermentation grâce à des bactéries. Le prix de la matière est impacté principalement par celui des substrats utilisés pour la fermentation. Dans cette étude, des essais ont été effectués à partir de déchets lignocellulosiques avec succès. Cette matière est largement disponible. Elle provient principalement des activités agricoles, mais aussi de l’entretient des jardins et espaces verts.

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