The CCI France-International network: a growing partnership

“The SeaCleaners is a cause that we are proud to support, and one that deserves to be widely supported by the entire network”.

With these words, Arnaud Vaissié, President of CCI France International, concluded the 4th edition of the CCI France International Trophies, held in Paris on June 26.

Addressing the 500 or so guests at the prestigious event, President Vaissié outlined a partnership that has united The SeaCleaners and the CCI France International network since 2020. This alliance is set to strengthen and grow, driven by the CCI FI network’s determination to place Corporate Social Responsibility at the heart of its mission to support French companies in their international development.

And because “there is no love, only proof of love”, the CCI FI network gave us a tangible sign of its commitment to our cause, when Arnaud Vaissié presented a cheque for €25,000 to Stanislas Conseiller, Director of Sponsorship and Partnerships at The SeaCleaners.

This substantial sum was raised thanks to the second edition of the Challenge sportif, écocitoyen et solidaire set up within the CCI France International network for the benefit of our association. The first edition, in 2022, had already met with great enthusiasm from the chambers. This year, however, the rise in numbers is impressive: no fewer than 23 chambers took part in the operation, representing 650 teams and 3,000 participants across 5 continents. Three times as many as last year!

How does it work? A tournament, hosted by the SquadEasy mobile application, in which competitors, working in teams, had to meet a daily physical activity and sports challenge in order to accumulate points. The program included daily running, walking and cycling challenges, as well as general knowledge tests on ocean protection and the fight against plastic pollution.

We are extremely grateful to the CCI FI network for its support, and would like to extend our warmest thanks to all the participants – chamber staff and employees of member companies – for their commitment to protecting the oceans. Our special thanks go to Charles Maridor, General Delegate of the CCI FI network, and his teams in Paris, who are enthusiastically driving this partnership forward.

The €25,000 raised will be used to finance our awareness-raising and prevention campaigns in the countries most affected by ocean plastic pollution.

As Stanislas Conseiller recalled in his thanks:

“We are honored by the support that TSC has received from numerous chambers, which have made environmental commitment a driving force for international business development and a lever for attractiveness. The SeaCleaners, a showcase for French expertise in marine decontamination and waste recovery, is helping to raise France’s profile abroad in the field of innovation to protect our oceans and biodiversity. We are counting on the network of chambers to support us in our expansion, at a time when the international deployment of our collection solutions and actions is accelerating”.

The Trophées CCI France Internationales evening was attended by the Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Attractiveness and the French Abroad, representatives of the 119 chambers in 94 countries, some of the 35,000 member companies, numerous public and private players in charge of France’s foreign trade and attractiveness, as well as several diplomatic representations. Each year, the event honors France’s most successful international companies and a foreign investor in France.