It’s all fun & games, science and discovery: overview of The SeaCleaners’ educational tools

You can learn to fight plastic pollution and protect the oceans! So lets make it fun!

Our role at The SeaCleaners is to give people the desire and the means to take action against plastic pollution.
And since we always learn best by doing and having fun, we’ve developed a wide range of interactive training tools adapted to every age, audience and school cycle.

The SeaCleaners' Kahoot channel

The unusual world of the oceans, Why the Ocean matters, Plastic & pop-culture… The SeaCleaners’ Kahoot channel features quizzes to help you learn all about the oceans, biodiversity and ocean plastic pollution, all while having fun! These Kahoot quizzes have been developed for all ages, in French and English, and can be played solo or in class.

➡️ The SeaCleaners Kahoot channel

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