Never 2 without 3, The SeaCleaners teams are back on the road to meet you for another edition of the Summer Tour!

Since 2021, our partner le Fonds de Dotation Picoty has been welcoming us to the rest areas of the Avia network of freeway stations to raise awareness among as many users as possible on the road to the big vacation departures, heading for the Ocean! 

Unfortunately, traffic jams aren’t just a problem for motorists: there’s a 40% increase in traffic during the summer months as waste makes its way to the sea. This period is therefore crucial in terms of raising awareness.
This year, the emphasis will be on fun activities reminding people of sorting instructions, which will be harmonized this year to improve the rate of sorted waste in all regions and simplify the task of holidaymakers everywhere in France.
And you’ll still be able to discover and support The SeaCleaners and its missions at our stands!
So take advantage of a break on your way to the sun to come and meet us and learn while having fun.

The SeaCleaners 2023 Summer Tour dates:

  • July 8: Aire de Poitiers Jaunay-Clan.
  • July 22: Aire les Corbières Sud
  • July 29: Aire des Terres de l’Estuaire
  • August 05: Aire de la Mayenne
  • August 12: Aire de l’Océan Ouest – Atlantes
  • August 20: Aire Jardins de Causses du Lot