Ocean cleaning in action: NonStop Gym and The SeaCleaners Swiss team up

Over the past few weeks, Swiss sports club chain NonStop Gym has decided to support The SeaCleaners by launching The Blue Wave. Here's a look back at this successful operation!

A wave of actions weighing in the balance

Throughout the month of October, NonStop Gym organized a number of waste clean-up campaigns in various Swiss cities, in collaboration with The SeaCleaners Swiss.

Here’s a look at the impressive results of these initiatives:

  • October 7, Clean-up in Lausanne – We mobilized 20 people for this special clean-up day, during which we collected 32 kilograms of garbage.
  • October 14, Clean-up in Geneva – This time, 60 people joined our clean-up efforts, and together we managed to collect 89 kilograms of garbage.
  • October 21: Clean-up in Zurich – Our action in Zurich brought together 15 participants, and we removed 24 kilograms of waste from the environment.

These results testify to the NonStop Gym community’s commitment to preserving our precious marine ecosystems. But work isn’t over yet.

October 30, The Blue Wave Day in all Swiss clubs

October 30 marked the final stage of “The Blue Wave” campaign, which took place at various NonStop Gym clubs in Switzerland. This special day of sporting challenges was a huge success, open to all, and every participant played a crucial role in helping to protect the oceans.

We’re delighted to announce that we raised a total of CHF 27,961 in just 24 hours! Every challenge completed resulted in a NonStop Gym-funded donation to The SeaCleaners. A big thank you to all those who took up challenges, whether in the gyms or at home.

A huge thank you also to all the volunteers who took part in our clean-up actions and to all those who got involved on “The Blue Wave” day. Your commitment shows that every small gesture counts in the fight to preserve our oceans. Together, we’ve proved that we can make a real difference for our oceans and for the future of our planet. Thank you so much! 🌊💪